The collection is arranged in two series:
Series 1: Alumni Files
Series 2: Alumni Office Work Files
There are thirty-four boxes divided as follows:
Box 1: Abernethy - Barlowe
Box 2: Barlowe - Bowen
Box 3: Bowen - Burgess
Box 4: Burnett - Clement
Box 5: Clodfelter - Davis
Box 6: Davis - Egerton
Box 7: Egerton - Fox
Box 8: Fox - Gray
Box 9: Grayson - Hartsell
Box 10: Hatchell - Hooper
Box 11: Hoots - Jobe
Box 12: Johnson - Knight
Box 13: Knight - Long
Box 14: Long - Meadows
Box 15: Meares - Norwood
Box 16: Oates - Pleasant
Box 17: Plemmons - Reid
Box 18: Reid - Schott
Box 19: Scott - Sprinkle
Box 20: Sprinkle - Thigpen
Box 21: Thomas - Watkins
Box 22: Watson - Winston
Box 23: Wishon - Alumni Business Meeting and Banquet, 1976
Box 24: Graduate Banquet, 1977 - Homecoming, 1968
Box 25: Homecoming, 1969 - Homecoming, 1985
Box 26: Homecoming, 1986 - Class of 1911
Box 27: Class of 1912 - Class of 1941
Box 28: Class of 1942 - Class of 1961
Box 29: Class of 1962 - Class of 1988
Box 30: Class of 1989 - Alumni Chapter Work, September, 1979-April, 1980
Box 31: Alumni Chapter Meetings, January-May, 1981 - Correspondence, 1982-1983
Box 32: General Correspondence, 1983-1984 - Parents Day Reservations
Box 33: Parents Day Reservations - Homecoming Reunions, 1985
Box 34: Alumni Business Meeting and Banquet, 1961 - Alumni Business Meeting and Banquet, 1970