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About Us

Renfro Library

exterior shot of Renfro Library with an arching rainbow over the building

Our Mission


Renfro Library is the cornerstone of information and scholarship at Mars Hill University and aims to be the campus hub of intellectual and creative connections. Renfro Library accomplishes this by:

  • Partnering with relevant stakeholders, including MHU faculty and staff, the CETL, the CDEI, the CSS, SSS, the Writing and Math Labs, and the Ramsey Center archives to provide a safe, inviting, inclusive, and impartial atmosphere that encourages exploration, inspiration, information gathering, and knowledge creation
  • Engaging and interacting with the MHU community to encourage the critical and ethical use and creation of information
  • Supporting the mission of MHU by
    • Curating a core collection that actively enhances the curriculum
    • Providing 24/7 access to electronic collections, regardless of the user’s location
    • Offering space, technology, and tools for collaboration, study, and instruction
    • Fostering student engagement
  • Exemplifying excellence in librarianship and library instruction by employing librarians accredited by the American Library Association who participate in professional development opportunities that enhance and expand their knowledge