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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hours for the Math Center?

Please email to make an appointment.

The tutors are willing to use the platforms that students are comfortable with, including FaceTime, Zoom, Google Docs, and over the phone.

What are the hours for the Writing Center?

Please email to make an appointment.

Students can request a session with a Writing Center tutor to receive feedback and suggestions for revision on any writing assignment of any length for any class (including Spanish language writing) at MHU, as well as for non-class-related writing like résumés or creative writing.

Tutors are able to work with a client at any point in the writing process, from brainstorming and thesis development to polishing up a final draft.

The tutors are willing to use the platforms that students are comfortable with, including FaceTime, Zoom, Google Docs, and over the phone.

What are the hours for Mindspace?

Mindspace is open 24/7.

Do the library computers have sound?

All the library computers have sound enabled, but it is only accessible by using headphones.

Are photocopies and printing free?

Printing and photocopying are free of charge for MHU students, faculty, and staff. However, Mars Hill University would prefer that this privilege not be abused.

Photocopying material unrelated to school work (such as event flyers) or excessive photocopying of any material (such as an entire book) is prohibited.

Local patrons may print and photocopy for $0.10 per page for black and white, $0.25 for color.

Does the library have color printers?

The library does not have color printers, only black and white.

For academic documents, Mindspace has a color printer for student, faculty and staff.

For non-academic documents (flyers, posters, etc.), color copies can be made at Paw Prints in Cornwell Hall.

How do I renew a book?

Renewing a book is an option if you need it beyond its due date. A book may be renewed — if it is not overdue — online, via phone, or in the library.

  • To renew online, log into your account by clicking here.
    Enter your name i.e.., John Smith, and your student ID number.
    Once your name and links to your account appear, click the link displaying the number of “items currently checked out.”
    At this point you may “Renew All” or “Renew Selected Items.”
  • To renew via phone, call 689-1518 and have your barcode ready.
  • If your item has become overdue you may only renew it by bringing it into the library for renewal.
  • You can renew materials twice.

Do I need my ID card when checking out or returning a book?

You do need your ID card when checking out a book, but not when returning materials.

How does the library handle theft?

Willfully attempting to leave with materials that are not properly checked out is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and state law. The library staff has the right to search a patron’s possessions for library materials. Students are required to show their MHU ID upon request of the library staff. Any student who steals, destroys or defaces library property will be reported to Campus Security and Student Conduct Police. Sanctions for theft and vandalism of library property may include restitution, payment of fees and fines, or other sanctions as determined by the Director of Library Services.

Does the library have lost and found?

Items found in the library are placed in the Lost and Found behind the Circulation Desk. These items are taken once a week to Student Life on the second floor of Wren Student Union. Library staff will make a reasonable effort to notify the owner of the item if able to determine ownership.

Can I eat in the library?

Covered drinks and foods that don’t require utensils are allowed in Renfro Library. We ask that you be careful using library materials while eating, and please leave the area clean.

Smoking, vaping, and use of oral tobacco products including chaw are not allowed in the library.

Who are the subjects of the sculptures located in the library?

From left to right they are: John Locke, Martin Luther, Albert Einstein, Ludwig Van Beethoven, and William Shakespeare. They represent a cross-section of the academic disciplines fundamental to a liberal arts university: philosophy & political science (Locke), theology (Luther), the natural sciences & mathematics (Einstein), music & fine arts (Beethoven), and literature (Shakespeare).

When admiring the wooden sculptures, be sure to turn around to see the tapestries of influential women, in conversation with the men across the atrium.

The wooden sculptures were carved by faculty emeritus Dr. Bill Colette.