Provides full-text magazines, reference books, Clinical Reference Systems reports, and current health pamphlets.
GO ASK ALICEAnswers questions about alcohol & other drugs; emotional health; fitness & nutrition; general health; relationships; and sexual & reproductive health.
HEALTHFINDERJournals, magazines, and medical dictionaries on minority health, as well as prevention and self-care on a variety of topics such as pregnancy, HIV, diabetes, women's health, and more.
KIDS HEALTHInformation about children from before birth through adolescence. Topics include: emotional development, nutrition, parenting, first aid, and infections.
LAB TESTS ONLINEUnderstand lab tests that are part of routine care, as well as diagnosis and treatment. Search by test, condition, or recommended screenings.
MAYO CLINICHealth education to patients and the general public on various topics.
MEDLINEPLUSFull-text information on hundreds of medical issues. Links to: dictionaries, encyclopedias, and databases; directories of professionals, hospitals, and organizations; and libraries for health consumers, organized by state. (National Library of Medicine)