These search boxes can be embedded in a text/html editor interface on your Moodle courses. Just click the expand arrow on the menu of the text editor: Then click the HTML editor:
Then copy and paste the HTML for the widget into the content box.
If you would like a search widget for a database(s) that is not on one of the subtabs, send an email to any of our librarians.
You can add this search widget to a Moodle page via any text editor:
Click the down arrow in the far left corner and then select the html editor view button:
Cut and paste in the following html:
<div style="text-align: left;">Search for scholarly articles in <a href=",uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=aph" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><b><span style="color: #002d72; font-size: x-large;">Academic Search Premier</span></b></a></div>
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