"Deepfakes and Domestic Violence: Perpetrating Intimate Partner Abuse Using Video Technology"
in Victims & Offenders, 2022, VOL. 17, NO. 5, 647–659
This policy analysis aims to add to the criminological literature on the subject by exploring the intersection of deepfake technology and domestic abuse to bring further attention to the issue and to help guide future policy, accounting for privacy issues, criminal and civil litigation, and the role that law enforcement officials and domestic violence advocates play in prevention.
"Military veteran involvement with the criminal justice system: A systematic review"
in Aggression and Violent Behavior, 66 (2022) 101721
Justice-involved veterans face heightened risk for mental health issues, substance abuse and correlated interaction with the criminal justice system, given the nature of their military service. Results from the systematic review indicated there were three categories of correlates of veteran interaction with the criminal justice system: incarceration, law enforcement, and criminal offending.